On Saturday, August 31, 2024, the second day of the 2-day Children’s Ministries Leadership Certification Level II, the Zamboanga Peninsula Mission gymnasium buzzed with excitement and dedication. Esteemed guest lecturers, Mrs. Victoria V. Besin, Western Mindanao Conference Director for Ministerial Spouses and Children’s Ministries, Mrs. Villaflor Vacalares, North Central Mindanao Conference Director for MSA /ACM, and Mrs. Marife M. Patalinghug, MSA/ACM, Southwestern Philippine Union Conference Director, shared their wisdom and insights with a diverse group of delegates, teachers, ministers’ wives, and brethren.

The event, themed “LEARN, LIVE, and LEAD,” aimed to equip attendees with the essential skills, talents, and knowledge needed to excel in children’s ministries. Delegates from various districts across the Zamboanga Peninsula Mission gathered to absorb valuable lessons and practical tips, ensuring they become more effective and efficient mentors in guiding children.
Mrs. Miraflor Vacaleres shared innovative methods in teaching children, emphasizing the importance of nurturing them and guiding them toward a righteous path. She also shared stories of how children, drawn to the activities during Sabbath school programs, played a role in leading their parents to eventually become members of the church family. Her session left a lasting impact on the participants, who were eager to implement these new techniques within their local churches. Activities such as art classes, music classes, the use of stickey note activities and more.

Mrs. Besin and Mrs. Patalinghug delivered inspiring lectures, emphasizing the importance of nurturing children from all backgrounds and colors, leading them towards a righteous path as members of God’s kingdom. Their teachings resonated deeply with the audience, igniting a renewed passion for the ministry.
The success of this certification program highlights the commitment and dedication of the organizers and participants. It serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that well-equipped leaders can have on the spiritual growth and development of children.

Local Church Communicator, Diplahan
Zamboanga Peninsula Mission
To God be the glory.