ZPM Health Enthusiasts Undergo Health Coach Training

Health August 23, 2024

Fifty-six delegates from 40 districts attended the health coach training and seminar-workshop held at Zamboanga Peninsula Mission function hall on August 14-17, 2024.

Aimed at equipping delegates with basic health knowledge and skills to enable them to become health coaches, the training was also designed to make its participants become coaches in other areas of life.

Pastor Arnold C. Sombilon, ZPM President, started the training with a devotional message. Speaking on the value of life as exemplified by Jesus Christ our Saviour, Pastor Sombilon reminded the delegates that Christ bought mankind with His own precious blood to save them. “To be good coaches,” Pastor Sombilon said, encouraging the participants, “develop the art of listening because listening gives coaches a better knowledge of the persons they coach.” He further quipped, “Attentive listening not only wins the trust and confidence of the persons we’d like to coach but also has the potential to bring healing to their maladies and diseases.”

“Health is not the gospel,” Pastor Teddy Baang, SWPUC Health director said. “It is only the right hand of the gospel. Jesus Christ is the Gospel. And God’s right arm is a symbol of His power, power to bring people to Him.”  He continued, “God desires us to be pure, happy, healthy people, following God’s healing way.”

“Let’s take care of our frontal lobes: the crown of the brain, the seat of morality and spirituality,” Pastor Marvin Cedron, training coordinator, admonished the health coaches.

Pastor Baang, the seminar’s main resource speaker, gave various lectures on the eight laws of health. Other resource speakers were SWPUC NDR-IEL Director Pastor Jerrymil Pamonag and ZPM NDR-IEL Director Pastor Klenjey Sajulga; SWPUC Youth Director Pastor Junifer Colegado on sermon design and delivery; ZPM Publishing Director Pastor Samuel Labag on basic hydro therapy; ZPM Youth Director Pastor Amorlito Hamoy on how to give Bible study, get decision, and answer objections, and ZPM Health Director Pastor Marvin Cedron on medical missionary work.

Ms Gel Daivy Hinoguin, a registered nurse, discussed vital signs and BMI computation after which the participant got the time to use their own stethoscope and sphygmomanometer or blood pressure monitor to determine the blood pressure of their fellow seminarians.

ZPM executive secretary Pastor Vilmar Mandalupa, was the hour of worship speaker and commitment speaker.

ZPM Health Coaches Organized

To activate and coordinate health promotion and activities in Zamboanga Peninsula Mission, health coaches organized themselves by electing their officers.

President: Fernando S. Ingod.
Vice President, Religious: Joey S. Bacao
Vice President, Social: Gerald C. Pielago
Secretary: Maria Genie Campos
Asst Secretary: Richelle H. Ortiola
Treasurer: Janice Bontuyan
Asst Treasurer: Judy Makiling
Auditor: Jeffrey P. Blando
PIO: Geselle R. Abubakar
Zone 1: Dexter A. Ortega
Zone 2: Osie Boy P. Paypal
Zone 3: Uzziel R. Salarda
Zone 4: Aibee Jeanne G. Regis
Zone 5: Gian S. Capitania
Zone 6: Neva Jean G. Gorra
Adviser: Pastor Marvin V. Cedron, MPH


  • | August 23, 2024 at 3:58 pm

    Praise the Lord. Go ZPM go

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