Empowering Stewardship: COP Campaign Ignites a Wave of Generosity Across Zamboanga Peninsula

Stewardship October 15, 2024

A Stewardship Intensified Seminar brought together on September 16-21, 2024 a total of 531 church elders and church treasurers in a series of meetings held in the following venues: Zone 1 San Roque Church, Zamboanga City 93 attendees Zone 2 ZPM headquarters, Ipil 57 attendees Zone 3 Labason Adventist Church 102 attendees Zone 4 Pioneer Adventist Church, Sindangan 120 attendees Zone 5 Kabasalan Adventist Church 94 attendees Zone 6 Buug Adventist Church 65 attendees

Also a Stewardship Intensified Campaign, the seminar had for its theme its quadrennial theme, “Jesus Is Coming, Get Involved.” Pastor Michael O. Capapas, SWPUC Stewardship director, was the main resource speaker. Already on its third year intensified promotion, the Stewardship department has noted a 90 percent increase in the offerings over last year’s. The giving guide for COP, as endorsed by the General Conference, is giving a second 10 percent of income in addition to the tithe.

This is suggested as the goal for individual giving in order to provide for local church needs, conference/mission needs, and the worldwide needs of the Church. Educate, educate, educate is the stewardship department’s campaign slogan as inspired by the pen of inspiration. Opposition had been so strong, according to Pr Capapas, at the start of this campaign that only the Holy Spirit could tackle moving hearts to adopt the plan. We have seen that as church members have gradually become liberal in their support to God’s cause, their character traits have started to change too. Because at the end of time, Pr Capapas enthused, character will be the issue, not money. This work is empowered by the Holy Spirit, led by the love of God. “God gave first, He gave His only begotten Son. God gave first, and He gave all. In fact, heaven went bankrupt when God gave Jesus to die in our place. God has purchased the will, the affections, the mind, the soul of every human being with Christ’s precious blood. We are God’s property,” Pr Capapas stressed.

Resonating Ellen White’s words, he emphasized, “God had given us definite instruction regarding tithe and offering as our obligation to be given regularly and systematically. Regularly means every time we receive, we set aside God’s part. Systematically means giving by percentage.” “Inviting people to trust God,” is the Stewardship department’s mission statement. “Our goal is that by 2025 all active church members shall have adopted COP’s 10 percent or more as their lifestyle.

By then when their church has approved regular and systematic giving, they have become COP compliant,“ Pr Capapas expounded. To qualify as COP-friendly 1) the church has to be organized, 2) 80 percent of its members practice systematic giving, and 3) the tithe of the church is equal to its offering for 6 consecutive months. Update from Pastor Pepito R. Natividad, ZPM Stewardship director: “Every church will be provided a quarterly comparative report of its tithe and offering. Elders and treasurers should be aware of their progress including church fund. Sadly, only church treasurers know how much money the church has. Church elders must see the treasurer’s book.

There should be cooperation and transparency when church finances are concerned. “Before COP, ZPM recorded 1.40 generosity index for every 10 pesos for a year. Today, 4.70 is the gendex for every year. “Elders are encouraged to have their respective church board adopt the regular and systematic giving. Whatever their income, they are to set aside 10 percent for tithe and 10 percent for offering.” “Gradually since COP was introduced in 2022, 10 percent or more has gained acceptance by the majority of our church members, raising tithe and offering in the church treasury,” Pr Natividad said.

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